Monday, November 3, 2008

wicked queer

Providence, RI  oct. 31

in order to keep everyone's identity anonymous, i will refer to everyone as their Halloween costume.
within the first 5 mins. of leaving the bronx,  Mr. Body's bowels had acted up.  we made a quick pit stop and were on our way once again.
we arrive in RI and due to Col. Mustards inexperience using GPS, we had to make a few illegal u-turns and went the wrong way down some one way streets.  we survived.
thanks to the cat burglar we got two joining rooms at the Hilton.  we immediately start on the wiskey.
show at AS220.  Great show, all of the clue characters at the top of their game.  Great job far.
Mr. Body mistakes some dudes for girls.  it was halloween.  could have happened to anyone.  Magnum P.I.  sends Col. Mustard and Little Man on a secret mission to recover whatever is in the yellow bin.   a twelve pack of beer.  amazing.
after party back at the rooms.
Professor Plum has the great idea to shotgun a beer.  does it wrong and pukes in a bath tub, out of his nose.  
second bathroom, Plum falls into beer tub, while puling himself out gets fingers slammed in door.
Little Man in same bathroom, laughs so hard he falls out of bathroom, cat burglar's ass falls on L.M.'s head leaving his mind in a questionable state.
Mr. Body smokes a cigarette in one of the rooms.  Bad move.  Cat Burglar yells at everyone.
Cat Burglar crawls into a closet.  "someone made me shotgun a beer and then i lost my mind"
sorry C.B.  my bad.
Plum locks C.B., a Kitten and a Geisha into a room, and protects them from the zombies that used to be our friends. (and themselves)
Mrs. Scarlet begins a search party for Little Man.  He is found a few hours later at a not so near- by IHOP with Magnum P.I.  Eat some pancakes and everything will be forgiven.  
the next day.
Col. Mustard wakes up with a black eye.  Can't prove anything but has good reason to believe it was Mr. Body.  
Mr. Body wakes up with a bruised torso.  Hmmm.
time to leave. we pack up The Beast, pick up Skeleton Man, and we're off! or are we?
can't get the beast out of the lot because there's no body working in the toll booth.  we proceed behind the car in front.  Bar hits top of van.  valet parking people come out from everywhere yelling at us.  "you could potentially damage your vehicle driving like that!  Your supposed to give us your ticket!"
Col. Mustard, "here's my ticket. do you want it?"
Valet, "No."
Free parking for us.
Thank You Rhode Island! (not an island)
can't wait for the next show!


Anonymous said...

It's important to note that Clue was solved on the morning of November 1 - it was the indominable team of Kitten, Geisha and Cat Burglar in the hotel room with the Silly String.

They never knew what hit 'em.

Dennis said...

Thomas Magnum, P.I. - not Sonny Crocket! See you all at IHOP.