Monday, January 12, 2009

a post for the sake of posting a post

hello my friends,

i guess this is what meteorologist's call "the calm before the storm."  everything is seemingly pretty quiet in our worlds.  just putting the finishing touches on the new record.  our unofficial record release party will be on friday, february 27th at southpaw in park slope, brooklyn.  we are planning (as you could imagine) an incredible show, with incredible bands.  more on that soon. 

we will have Seth Johnson of Northern State taking over for drums for a few months, while Steve Bryant is on tour with another project.  

we are also creating a bit of a presence on youtube.  we have a few clips up right now and a few more on the way. please check them out.  your comments are always encouraged.

i guess that's all for now,
until next time,

willy jive


Star Beat Music said...

Awesome. Sounds good. Hopefully I can make the Southpaw show =)

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